Film planning templates

Here are some free templates in PDF format which  you can print out and use to help plan your film. Click on an image to view the full A4 version of the file, right-click to download it. Please read the conditions at the bottom of the page.


Blank storyboard

You can use this for planning how to shoot a scene and making sure your shots will make sense together. Put drawings of your shots in the boxes on the left, and descriptions of the images and sound in the other two columns. If you want to change the order of shots or add shots in, you can cut the sheet into strips and tape it together, or just renumber the clips (write numbers to the left of the pictures).

Shot list

Shot list

You don’t always need a storyboard. A shot list is another way to make sure you get the shots you need. You can use it with a storyboard, or on its own.

Logging sheet

Logging sheet

If your film has more than a few shots, you’ll need to review each clip you’ve filmed before you edit. Use this sheet to make notes about the content and quality of each clip, putting a tick or a cross in the ‘Good’ column. You can also use logging sheets to plan a ‘paper edit’: photocopy the sheets, highlight the good takes, then cut them out in strips and work out which order to use them in.

Documentary script

Documentary script template

You can use this simple template to plan a documentary or a news item. The left column is for the text of voiceovers, presentations or interviews; the other two columns are for describing images, sound and music.

Spotting sheet

Soundtrack spotting sheet

You can use this sheet to plan your movie soundtrack in detail.

Use separate sheets for music and sound design. Play your movie or scene, pausing at each point where you think sound is needed. Make a note of the timing. Use the Description column to describe the action, and the kind of impression you want to create. Use Notes for ideas about the kind of sound or music you want.

Go through the whole scene or movie before you start looking for individual effects or music clips. When you’ve found a suitable sound file or effect, make a note of the source.

All of these resources are copyright © Learnaboutfilm Ltd. You can print them out and use them for planning your own films or for training in schools and not for profit organisations. You must not sell them, host them on your own website, deep link to them, use them for commercial courses or include them in your own publications or resources without prior written permission. You must not remove the Learnaboutfilm logo, copyright notice and link.

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