Filmmaking CPD for schools and teachers


Tom Barrance training

Film CPD for teachers 

I provide training covering filmmaking, understanding and teaching about film, and using film to support literacy and other areas of the curriculum.

These are just some of the topics I can offer:

Film in the curriculum

  • film for literacy
  • film across the Primary curriculum
  • film and creative writing
  • film and modern foreign languages
  • understanding film language


  • Get started with filmmaking
  • Filmmaking on iPads
  • filmmaking in media and film studies
  • montage and non-narrative filmmaking
  • digital storytelling
  • Advanced filmmaking
  • DSLR filmmaking
  • iMovie 9 or 10
  • Final Cut Pro

Film workshops and activities for students

I offer a wide range of different film and filmmaking workshops for Primary and Secondary schools, youth groups, festivals and special events. These include

  • Fast film: learn how films tell stories, and create a short film sequence in a few hours
  • Simple animation
  • Editing: make a short film from clips I provide
  • Sound: learn about sound in film and create a soundtrack
  • Creating film poems

All my training and workshops are available in Welsh. I’ve delivered film training and workshops around Wales and as part of projects and conferences in England, Scotland and Northern Ireland.

I have an Enhanced DBS certificate.

To enquire about training or workshops, please get in touch using the contact details above.


Free PDF downloads 
Primary filmmaking guide (Into Film)
Secondary filmmaking guide (Into Film)
Using film in schools (Film: 21st Century Literacy)

To enquire about training or workshops, please get in touch using the contact details above.

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You can use my new education resource to teach about shot selection, continuity and editing. Students can create a short movie from a choice of over 90 clips including movement, action, dialogue and B-roll.

The package includes a user guide covering the continuity system, editing principles, workflow and tips, and intermediate editing exercises. It also includes guides to essential techniques in Adobe Premiere, Final Cut Pro, and iMovie (Mac and iPad/iPhone versions).
Official orders accepted.
Learn more…

Education licence
$79  Buy now (secure instant download)
£69 (official orders accepted)

A$119 Buy now (secure instant download)

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If you find this free site useful, please consider supporting me on Ko-fi or buying my ebook Start Making Movies
Learn to make short films and videos with my 163-page visual ebook guide.
Five stars “This book is amazing” Tiffany, USA
Five stars “A great visual primer…Highly recommended” Peter Hearns, Andover, UK
Five stars “Full of great tips and advice” Deborah, Australia

Learn More/Buy