Film education consultancy – Tom Barrance


I’m Tom Barrance, Director of Learnaboutfilm. I’ve been working in film education for many years and I’ve been involved in  pioneering projects such as Ffilmschool 2, Film in Afan, Film: 21st Century Literacy and Euromeduc.

As well as delivering film education activity, I also do writing, consultancy and research.

I write clearly and accessibly, I pay attention to detail and I’m used to taking on work at short notice and turning it around quickly.

Here are some of the projects I’ve been involved in recently:

  • I worked with the British Film Institute with the consultation for their education strategy. This included reviewing and comparing opportunities for film education in the national curricula across the UK, identifying consultees, setting up meetings and writing up discussions, reviewing and editing questionnaires and draft documents, and analysing survey responses.
  • I researched and wrote Using Film in Schools: a practical guide for Film: 21st Century Literacy. This free booklet includes an overview of film in the curriculum; technical guidance on equipping for film viewing and film making; advice on accessibility, sources of support and resources; and information on copyright and the law.
  • I carried out a feasibility study into training needs for the informal film education sector for the Film Agency for Wales. This included identifying and consulting individuals and organisations through online surveys and face to face interviews in English and Welsh, analysing responses and making recommendations.
  • I wrote two School Filmmaking Guides – one Primary and one Secondary – for Into Film, working to a tight deadline and following Into Film’s house style.
  • I devised an accredited course on film and filmmaking.
  • I’ve organised a number of conferences and CPD events including the long-running two-day annual Media and Film CPD course, and two Ffilmyouth conferences on using film with young people.
  • I’ve created interactive resources including EditClass and Making Movies Make Sense
  • I wrote and designed the filmmaking book Start Making Movies

If you’d like to discuss how I can work with you, please get in touch using the contact details above.

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If you find this free site useful, please consider supporting me on Ko-fi or buying my ebook Start Making Movies
Learn to make short films and videos with my 163-page visual ebook guide.
Five stars “This book is amazing” Tiffany, USA
Five stars “A great visual primer…Highly recommended” Peter Hearns, Andover, UK
Five stars “Full of great tips and advice” Deborah, Australia

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